
Bucharest – National Museum of Art (Curtea de Arges Fresco Fragments)

Well, these are lovely, they’re fresco fragments taken from Curtea de Arges cathedral when it was reconstructed in 1883. Quite why, I don’t know, they were painted by Dobromir in 1526 and they seem to me to be a loss to the building, which is still standing.

The three images in the main photo are the Virgin, Bishop Christ and St. John the Baptist.

St. Loup, St. Eustice-Placide, St. Agapius and St. Arethas.

The partly visible one on the left is Prince Petru’s son, Marco. Then St. James the Persian, St. Phanourios, St. Nestor, St. Demetre, St. Georges, St. Theodore Tiron and St. Nicholas.

The museum has presented them well, although they appear heavily restored.