2022 US Trip – Day 17 (Chicago – Lurie Garden)
I really can’t produce a great deal of commentary about plants and trees, but I liked the whole set-up at Lurie Garden in Chicago which is at one end of Millennium Park in the Loop District. This post is nearly entirely just photos, but I was quite taken by the peace and calm in such a busy city environment. There were plenty of places to sit, numerous plants to look at and it feel very much like a public realm where everyone was welcome.
The metal covered building towards the end of these photos is the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, designed by Frank Gehry, best known to me for his Brain Health Twisted Building in Las Vegas. This park is one of my favourite places in Chicago and I don’t recall it feeling so open and accessible in my previous visits to the city. It’s not all nature though, there’s a car park with over 1,000 spaces here, which I managed to get lost in. Effectively a large section of this area is just a rooftop garden for that car park, but it’d be hard to tell that from these photos.