
Gdansk Group Trip – Day 4 (Train to Gdynia and Walk to See Arka Gdynia)


The train which took us from Sopot to Gdynia and the slightly muddled nature of the Polish ticketing system in the area became apparent once again when we bought tickets. I didn’t want to wait in the queue for the ticket machine and went to the counter to buy a ticket and the five of us who used that counter were charged the same price, whereas Bev who went to the neighbouring desk was charged a slightly cheaper rate. I have worked out now what is happening here, but the system probably does need a fair bit of simplification and it looks like that new contactless machines are being rolled out which will make things better.


The Joseph Conrad monument, although it’s not clear to me what actual links he has to Gdynia in particular. Not only does he have this monument, he has also the JD Wetherspoon pub in Lowestoft named after him, I can’t imagine which he would be most impressed and excited by. Conrad is one of the greatest Polish novelists and he specialised in seafaring stories, which is perhaps why Gdynia wanted to mark his contribution.


Bev paying homage to the rear of the monument.


Lots of concrete here and the rest of the group weren’t convinced that I said this was as lovely as the pier in Sopot that we hadn’t walked down. There were pleasant views over the nearby coast though and it’s a nice walk along the promenade back to Sopot.


The group then split up, with Ross and I going to watch the Arka Gdynia football match which was about a 40 minute walk away, whilst Richard went off to a nearby bar to tell Bev, Susanna and Steve about what he had been getting up to in Warsaw. I make no further comment.