
Carcassonne Day Two : Le Chaudron Cathare

Right, I’m ready to start catching up on this trip now, avoiding it being one of those projects that I never quite get around to finishing…..


After crossing back over the River Aude we thought we’d pop and scout out some evening food options. Whilst in the planning stage for that, Liam discovered this rather pleasant little cafe which is located in the Citadel and I was bemused to see how badly a few of the food options were reviewed, some tourists traps that give the appearance of taking advantage of visitors. This location wasn’t one of those, it was laid-back and informal, with Liam working out that customers needed to order at the counter. He went with his crepes, whilst I went with my healthy Orangina, which is what I consider to be the national drink of France as opposed to wine. The prices were towards the lower end of the scale and it’s just a little away from the busier areas, so all rather lovely.