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And a Little Thanks…..

More on the big project that I’m engaged with at the moment at a future point. But, a lot of friends came to support the project last night and I must admit to feeling really quite emotional about how many people came and the number surprised me.

So, thanks to Adrian, Robert, Jade, Susan, Danny, Susanna, Dave, Simon, Jonathan, Steve, Andy, Clive, Michael, Julie, Thim, Roy, Jen, Leandros and Sarah for being there.

But huge special thanks to Liam (for always being there as the chief engineer to all projects), Scott (for spending so much), Ross (for being there at the last project as well), Emma (for support over the last year with so much), James (for helping with Norwich market food shops), Zak (for being my bar billiards trainer which helped the Serengeti top division 2, which I might have mentioned) and Bev (for being so supportive throughout). Marvellous to see them all last night as well.

And also thanks Lisa and Eric for on the spot support, as well to the CAMRA team of Laura and Matt for assisting  🙂  Then thanks to the people about to offer support, not least Oscar who has provided so much help despite so often leading me astray……..