
Briningham – St Maurice’s Church (1903 Newspaper Article)

This article was published in the local newspaper in 1903 and I rather liked the little snapshot into the history of the village, although it gives details of the work which had been done to St. Maurice’s Church.


The ancient church of St. Maurice has during the past decade been undergoing a gradual process of restoration in perfect conformity with its time-worn architecture. A few years ago, chiefly through the munificence of the lay Rector, the late Captain S. H. Brereton, R.A., the walls were strengthened, the nave and chancel re-roofed, and the windows re-glazed with stained glass. During the incumbency of the present Vicar, the Rev. Herbert J. Foyster, strenuous efforts have been made to beautify and make commodious the interior. The church has been heated and lighted by the fixing of a large tortoise stove and handsome cathedral lamps. Some eighteen months ago it was discovered that the tower was unsafe; so critical indeed was the condition found to be that it was deemed advisable that the bell should remain silent. The Vicar set to work, and, by means of subscriptions and donations from friends far and near, raised the sum of £71 3s., and the work has been completed. The entire cost, with incidentals, will be about £140, so that there is an approximate deficiency of about £70. For the reduction of this debt, the Vicar and his co-workers determined upon holding a bazaar. Mrs. Henry S. Brereton placed the grounds of Briningham House at the Vicar’s disposal. The following is a list of stalls with vendors:—

Fancy Stall—Mrs. H. Brereton-Foyster, Miss Foyster, and the Misses Constance and Edith Foyster, the Misses Maroon and Martin.

Tea Stall (indoor)—Mrs. Henry Brereton and Mrs. Parkinson.

Tea Stall (outdoors)—Mrs. Alfred Clarke, Miss Kate Colman, Mrs. Groom, the Misses A. E. and M. Groom, Mrs. Jarrett, Miss A. Jones, E. Oliver, Mrs. and Miss Smorthwaite.

Jumble Stall—Mesdames Clements, Dewing, Everett, Kaye, E. Matthews, F. Matthews, H. Sheringham, and Watling.

Provision Stall—Mrs. B. Burwick, Brereton.

Bran Pie—W. Henry Beane, jun.

The Briston and Melton Constable Band played popular airs. In addition to the bazaar, there was a horticultural show, with exhibits from the labourers and workmen on the Briningham estate. The following is a list of the successful competitors, the judge being Mr. Samuel Dewing, of Swanton Novers:—

Collection of vegetables—1 William Daplyn, 2 Benjamin Colman, 3 Jacob Colman. Potatoes—1 William Daplyn, 2 Jacob Colman, 3 Thomas Dack. Cabbages—1 William Daplyn, 2 Jacob Colman, 3 Thomas Dack. Onions—1 William Daplyn, 2 John Watling, 3 Benjamin Colman. Bread—1 Mrs. George Quinan, 2 Mrs. Jacob Colman, 3 Mrs. Clements. Cottage gardens—1 William Daplyn, 2 Benjamin Colman, 3 Jacob Colman and Thomas Dack (equal). Neatest cottage—1 Mrs. William Daplyn and Mrs. David Watling (equal), 2 Mrs. Benjamin Colman, and highly commended, Mrs. Jacob Colman.

Notwithstanding the very unfavourable weather the proceeds amounted to nearly £50.”