
GeoGuessr – The Joy of the Random…..

A couple of years ago, Nathan and myself set ourselves a plan to use GeoGuessr to pick a random location in the UK and then just go to it. The plan was that everywhere had a story and that the journey there would be part of that. We completed two of these and were pleased at how they turned out, with our third location already planned. Unfortunately, the situation meant in 2020 that we never got to go to that location, that’s been postponed for a future date when we can get there. It’s an awkward place to get, so it’s not one that can be quickly reached in a day.

But, undeterred, we’ve formulated a plan to do a version using a Norfolk specific map on GeoGuessr, visiting five random locations in Norfolk in one day using only public transport. Again, as of early February 2021, we can’t do this either as random trips on public transport aren’t allowed, but hopefully lockdown will lighten and we can get going with this plan soon enough. Not least because these challenges involve a fair chunk of walking, primarily because public transport in Norfolk is pretty dreadful. And that walking is useful (well, essential), we’re walking the LDWA 100 in May….

So, I need a new interim plan until lockdown is loosened, one which ensures I am getting enough exercise for that LDWA 100, but without going on public transport or needlessly walking where others are likely to be. So, I’m switching this plan down to just a Norwich specific map on GeoGuessr. Users can create their own area, so I’ve created an area which is something like within what I would call the outer ring road (I don’t think that’s what it’s actually called).

This is my area, with a potential 1,400 locations. Some will be easy to reach, others a bloody nightmare, although that’s half the excitement and way of getting my walk mileage up a bit. I shall be trying to rope other people into this plan (so far Nathan, Jonathan and Liam have been dragged into this), I mean it’ll be a lovely day out (well, maybe). Five random locations in the area selected in advance, which can be walked in any order and there’s my own mini challenge. Not exactly riveting I accept, but it’ll do…..

I’ve added in my own extra challenges to this whole arrangement to liven it up. If one of the five locations is within 150 metres of a chip shop or a church, then I’m going to it. And if it’s within 150 metres of a pub, then I’ll go to it (or, more realistically it’ll be shut so I’ll have to take some delicious craft beer to have instead, as it’s important to support the brewing industry in some form). I’ll also be diverting slightly to ensure I see five listed buildings that I haven’t visited before as well as finding routes which aren’t likely to be busy.

So, I still think that any adventure such as this will enable me to find out something new about the local area and there’s always a story to be told of some sort. I’ll use Komoot to plot the route between the five points, it seems to do a nice job of finding interesting walking routes and not just putting me on main roads. How lovely   🙂

WALK 1 (just me)

WALK 2 (with Nathan, using a smaller map area)

WALK 3 (with Nathan, using a smaller map area)

WALK 4 (with Liam)